

The beginnings - decline of German in Scotland

The spark that eventually led to the establishment of GET across borders was the recognition that the teaching and learning of the German language in Scotland were in a process of rapid and continuous decline. Against this background, the Scottish Government's Language Working Group published the report “A 1+2 Approach to Language Learning in September 2011. This aimed to improve the conditions for the acquisition of foreign languages in Scottish schools. The report’s recommendations were to be implemented by the year 2020. These included specific recommendations that regular and intensive communication with native speakers should be part of the language learning process:


“…the Report recommends regular access to native and fluent speakers to stimulate young people’s interest in language learning and other cultures.”                                                                            (Foreword: Language Learning in Scotland: A 1+2 Approach)

“The Working Group recommends that schools and local authorities consider the engagement by schools of other skilled and trained native speakers of additional languages to work under the direct and explicit supervision of the classroom teacher in schools.”

Recommendation 31

The launch of the Scottish Government's new language policy was a clear stimulus for the foundation of GET across borders, which has as its major aim to contribute to the spread of the, which has as its major aim to contribute to the spread of the German language in Scotland by means of sending German student teachers of English to Scottish schools.


GET across borders gains momentum

Following the first successful placements of our “trailblazers” to Scottish schools in the academic year of 2012/2013, “GET across borders” was officially launched in November 2013 by Priv.-Doz. Dr. habil. Sigrid Rieuwerts from the Department of English and Linguistics of the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz in close cooperation with the German Consulate General in Edinburgh.

In 2013/2014, GET across borders placed 10 student teachers from the University of Mainz, and 9 students from the University of Göttingen in Scottish schools.

The new exchange opportunity was enthusiastically taken up by the student teachers. Despite the fact that the GET programme was still in its development phase in December 2012, the number of applicants by far exceeded the quantity of available places.

In addition, the number of Scottish councils seeking to employ GETs has significantly increased since 2012. While the "trailblazers” of 2012/2013 were placed in 6 Councils, by 2014/2015 students had already had the choice between no less than 13 local authorities.

The success of GET across borders was recognised in 2015 when it was awarded the “Committed to Uniqueness” prize by the DAAD, as an exemplary university project contributing to the enhancement of student mobility.

Each year, about 20 to 25 places are reserved for students of the University of Mainz. The remaining placements are open to students from the Universities of Leipzig and Landau. As the number of places increases, we are also open to co-operation with further partner universities.


Expansion and networking across borders

Our programme has inspired others in Scotland to adopt the same principles. We were asked by Scotland's National Centre for Languages (SCILT) to support the establishment of the PET programme (“Portuguese Educational Trainees in Scottish Schools”).

We are also helping to raise the mobility of Scottish student teachers. We have enabled students of the University of Strathclyde to teach trial lessons at schools in Mainz, and we are currently setting up the SET programme (“Scottish Educational Trainees across borders”) in order to offer all future Scottish teachers the opportunity of a school internship in Germany.

Since April 2021, the Scotland Hub at Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz has been involved in an exciting new project, funded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) which will further strengthen the ties between Scotland and Rhineland-Palatine in the field of education. One of the central challenges of 21st-century classrooms is the socially and culturally diverse backgrounds of pupils, which future teachers need to understand in order to create modern and relevant learning environments.








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Trotz Brexit (30 March 2021, SWR2)
Rheinland-Pfalz und Schottland wollen weiter kooperieren

Ein rot-karierter Schal, ein kariertes Tweed Sakko: Dass Sigrid Rieuwerts eine Schwäche für Großbritannien hat, insbesondere für Schottland, sieht man auf den ersten Blick. Die Anglistin lehrt an der Uni Mainz und ist dort außerdem die hauseigene Schottland-Beauftragte. Diese Stelle wurde notwendig, weil der Austausch zwischen Schottland und der Universität innerhalb von 40 Jahren immer intensiver wurde, sagt Sigrid Rieuwerts. "Also vor 40 Jahren war ich auch noch nicht an dieser Uni, aber ich weiß, dass ein Professor Drescher einen Schottland-Schwerpunkt etabliert hatte und dann haben wir es neu ausgerichtet und vor allem einen Schwerpunkt auf Lehrerbildung gesetzt und auch auf Mobilität von Studierenden und die Forschung natürlich weiter betrieben." » Read more


Summer School (AZ Mainz, 01 August 2018)
Schottische Deutsch-Studenten verbringen drei Wochen im Kreis Bad Kreuznach

„Mein erstes Mal in Deutschland. Es ist wirklich wunderbar.“ Julia (19) aus Edinburgh, der schottischen Hauptstadt, hat einen dreiwöchigen Aufenthalt in Bad Kreuznach und Rheinhessen hinter sich. Gemeinsam mit 19 anderen Studenten aus Edinburgh nimmt sie an der „Summer School“ der Mainzer Universität teil. In dieser Zeit haben sie sich jeden Nachmittag in der Crucenia-Realschule mit Schülern und jungen Flüchtlingen getroffen, um ihre Deutschkenntnisse zu erweitern und etwas gemeinsam zu unternehmen.


Zirkuszelt als Ort der Begegnung (AZ Mainz, 04 August 2016)
Schottische Studenten ziehen nach dreiwöchigem Aufenthalt in Zotzenheim begeistert Bilanz

Ein besonderes Projekt ist jetzt zu Ende gegegangen: Für drei Wochen waren 21 Studierende der schottischen Universität in Edinburgh in das evangelische Pfarrhaus in Zotzenheim eingezogen und schufen dort mit einem Zirkuszelt mitten im Pfarrgarten einen besonderen Ort der Begegnung. Tagsüber betreuten die jungen Leute im Rahmen eines Praktikums beim kirchlichen Ausländerpfarramt Flüchtlingskinder in Bad Kreuznach. Abends luden sie dann regelmäßig in das Zirkuszelt ein.


Nachahmenswertes Projekt gestartet (Neue Binger Zeitung, 25 July 2016)
Studenten aus Schottland unterstützen das Ausländerpfarramt bei der Flüchtlingshilfe

Junge Studenten aus Schottland unterstützen das Ausländerpfarramt in Bad Kreuznach bei der Flüchtlingshilfe. Untergebracht sind die 22 Männer und Frauen im evangelischen Pfarrhaus in Zotzenheim. "Wir sind begeistert von der Gastfreundschaft, die uns entgegen gebracht wird," freut sich Annette Götzkes von der Universität Edinburgh, die das Projekt auf schottischer Seite betreut.


Schwäche für Schottland seit der Schulzeit (AZ Mainz, 30 July 2016)
Zotzenheimer Akademikerin vermittelt Studierenden der Uni Edinburgh europäisches Sozialpraktikum

Wenn man zur Zeit durch Zotzenheim geht, begegnet man einer großen Zahl von Englisch sprechenden Jugendlichen. Privatdozentin Dr. habil. Sigrid Rieuwerts hat diese schottischen Studierenden der Universität Edinburgh in ihren Heimatort eingeladen, um ihnen einen Einblick in das deutsche Alltagsleben zu vermitteln, die deutsche Sprache näherzubringen und vor allem, ihnen die Möglichkeit eines Europäischen Sozialpraktikums im Rahmen ihres Studiem zu bieten.


SCILT Newsletter (Winter 2016)
Being a German Educational Trainee in Aberdeenshire

Caroline Westphal is the first German Educational Trainee to be based at The Gordon Schools in Huntly.  What has your experience as a GET at The Gordon Schools been like so far? - "Everybody at the school seemed to be excited about my arrival as it is the first time that the school is participating in the programme. I have been made to feel very welcome!"  » Read more

» Entire SCILT Newsletter


"Malinky" gar nicht geizig (AZ Mainz, 13 May 2016)
Schotten stiften einnahmen an Edinburgher Studenten, die in Kreuznach Projekte betreuen

Schottland kommt nach Bad Kreuznach. Die engen Beziehungen zwischen der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz und der University of Edinburgh in Schottland machen dies möglich. Im November 2015 haben die beiden Universitäten beschlossen, noch enger in Forschung und Lehre zusammenzuarbeiten und vor allem in der Lehrerbildung in Europa durch Kooperation und Integration neue Akzente zu setzen. Und der Auftakt hierzu soll im Sommer in Bad Kreuznach stattfinden. Der Kontakt zur „Alex Jacob Stiftung“ machte es möglich, alle Beteiligten an einen Tisch zu bringen.


Allgemeine Zeitung (13 June 2015)
Vom Kilt bis zum Dudelsack

Lehramtsstudentinnen aus Glasgow besuchen Otto-Schott-Gymnasium - Begeistert tanzen die Kinder ihren Reigen im Schulhof des Otto-Schott-Gymnasiums. Sie tanzen Scottish Country Dance zu den Ansagen schottischer Lehramtsstudentinnen. „Heel, toe, heel, toe" - Hacke, Spitze, Hacke, Spitze - heißt es da. Die angehenden Lehrerinnen seien für ein „Minipraktikum" nach Deutschland gekommen, erklärt Englischlehrerin Ute Ritzenhofen. Einen Tag widmeten sie sich ganz der Klasse 7e. » Read more


Allgemeine Zeitung (8 August 2014)
Deutschkurse in den Highlands

Christina und Charley sind mitten in der Prüfungsvorbereitungsphase. Ihr Hauptfach: „die schreckliche deutsche Sprache", wie es Mark Twain einst ausgedrückt hat. [...] Zum Glück werden die Schottinnen von einem „native speaker", einem Muttersprachler, auf die Deutschprüfung vorbereitet: Jennifer Hoff studiert im zehnten Semester an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz und ist angehende Englischlehrerin. In Aberlour, einem Örtchen in Nordschottland, brachte sie den „girls and boys" Deutsch bei.  » Read more


Banffshire Herald
Melissa's Leaving

PUPILS and staff at Keith Grammar School say "Auf wiedersehen" today (Friday) to a student who has made her mark in the time she has been at the school. German student Melissa Krupp, has been on placement in the Modern Languages Department at Keith Grammar for the past five months and has proved to be popular among pupils and staff. Melissa is studying German, English and Philosophy at Mainz University, Germany [...]  » Read more


Allgemeine Zeitung (12 June 2014)
Deutsch auch in den Highlands

Für Lehrämtler gibt es meist nur wenige Möglichkeiten, während des Studiums ins Ausland zu gehen. Grund hierfür sind die Semesterzeiten, aber auch die unterschiedlichen Schulformen im Ausland. Sigrid Rieuwerts vom Department of English and Linguistics an der Uni Mainz wirkt diesen Schwierigkeiten mit dem Programm GET (German Educational Trainees) entgegen. „Das Programm vermittelt deutschen Lehramtsstudierenden sechsmonatige Praktika an schottischen Schulen, um dort das Erlernen von Deutsch als Fremdsprache zu fördern", erklärt die Privatdozentin. » Read more


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Welcome to GET Across Borders!

We are dedicated to encouraging the use of German in Scotland. As the protection of multilingualism is very important to us, we are happy to join our partners and raise awareness of the benefits of learning second languages. Apart from organising exchanges for Scottish and German university students, we are providing exclusive material for teachers of German in Scotland.

Here's what our partners at the City of Edinburgh Council say about the GET programme:
"This is a highly valued partnership, based on solid shared commitments to supporting our young people with language learning and in forging active, life-long links across borders. Through our collaborative work, hundreds of Edinburgh primary and secondary pupils, their teachers and families, have enjoyed the tangible benefits of the energy, enthusiasm and expertise our German Education Trainees bring to our classrooms – real and virtual! The 2020-21 cohort of GETs has made a unique and invaluable contribution, bringing language learning to life at a time of great challenge and uncertainty. We are all looking forward to watching this partnership grow and flourish in years to come."



German theatre in Aberdeen

The German Drama Group at the University of Aberdeen will perform "36.000 Sekunden" (by Julia Gastel) on Thursday, 23 March 2023. They will perfrom in the Arts Lecture Theatre at 7 pm (UK time), the play will be in German with English subtitles.
Download the poster
Read about last year's play

New DAAD Brochures on Study and Internships abroad

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) published new brochures, some of which might be interisting to you:
SO GEHT’S Studieren im Ausland (Study abroad)
SO GEHT’S Praktikum im Ausland (Internship abroad)
SO GEHT’S Sprachkurse & Summer Schools im Ausland (Language courses and Summer Schools)
Mit Stipendium ins Ausland (DAAD Funding)
SO GEHT’S Auslandsaufenthalte im Lehramtsstudium (Stays abroad for future teachers)

Burns Night on the campus of JGU Mainz

GET Across Borders Information Session

The information session for our programmes GET Across Borders, LPlus and GO will be on Wednesday, 9 November 2022. If you are interested in studying and/or working abroad, especially in Scotland, please join us at 5 p.m. in room P3 in the Philosophicum and get all the information you need to apply.
Read more about GET, LPlus and Go.

Apply now for 2022GO Ahrtal

JGU students can now apply to take part in 2022GO Ahrtal: From 20 June to 03 July we will be visited by Irish and Scottish students, for an intercultural, interdisciplinary project on climate change.
In the first week there will be lectures on the subject of climate change and the Ahrtal at JGU Mainz, and we would like to offer our Scottish and Irish guests a buddy-up programme with JGU-students. They would accompany you to some of your regular lectures and seminars and you would in turn join us for some of the activities of 2022GO (in Mainz and maybe even the Ahrtal).

Read more on how to apply here.

2021 GO events in Glasgow and Edinburgh

This April we can finally present the results of "2021 GO: A fearful hope" at two events, in Glasgow and Edinburgh and we are delighted to be joined by award-winning poet Daniela Danz.
The event in Glasgow will be held on Wednesday, 20 April 2022 at the Goethe-Institut Glasgow, 5.00 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
The event in Edinburgh will be held on Friday, 22 April 2022 in the Lothian Chambers, 6.00 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.

Read more
about "2021 GO: A fearful hope".

"Fast Faust" - German Theatre perfomance

As part of the long-standing partnership between the Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz and the University of Aberdeen, the UoA’s German Drama Group under the direction of JGU’s Lisa von Gartzen put on a refreshingly funny, abbreviated version of Goethe’s well-known masterpiece Faust.
Read the full review
Download poster


25 December 2021
Merry Christmas from the Scotland HUB!


30 November 2021
Happy St Andrew's Day!

Watch on YouTube

03 March 2021
Scotland - Here I come!

If you are thinking about spending a semester at one of our partner universities in Scotland, then please hurry. It is still possible to study and/or work in the UK with Erasmus funding – but only until spring 2023! Two more years then before the UK and thus Scotland will no longer be part of the EU Erasmus scheme. No changes to Erasmus funding (yet), but Post-Brexit new visa und health insurance regulations have come into force. » Read more


15 February 2021
SCILT Article on Languages Week

Our partners at Scotland's National Centre for Languages (SCILT) have mentioned our GETs in their article on Languages Week 2021:
"Languages Week Scotland 2021 took place during the week 1 – 5 February. The theme was ‘Celebrating Scotland’s languages landscape’ and the aim was to amplify the voices of people, organisations and events that celebrate multilingualism and the many ways it manifests in Scottish communities.
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08 February 2021
Languages Week Scotland 2021

The annual Languages Week Scotland took place on 02-05 February 2021. As the protection of multilingualism is very important to us, we were happy to join our partners at the City of Edinburgh Council and raise awareness of the benefits of learning second languages. Join us in 'celebrating Scotland's languages landscape' and have a look at the exclusive material we are providing for German teachers in Scotland!  » Read more


18 January 2021
Teaching in Scotland during Corona times

Due to the Corona pandemic, it was unclear for a long time whether a stay abroad in Scotland would be possible this year or not. Luckily, the West Lothian Council offers a house for all GET teachers each year where they can live for their six months. Luckily this included me!
» Read more






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